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How to make a picture fit on a screen in CSS?

If you give a width of 100px or 100%, the height will be definitely 100px or 100% because the browser calculated based on the aspect ratio. You can make your image fit on the screen by using the cover value in the CSS background-size property. It also fits the portrait image, but the image looks bigger. So you use the landscape image.

How do I change the background image based on screen size?

I'd say the best option is leaving it as cover and changing the background-position else, using a different image for mobile devices. You should use cover or auto in media query so it will cover the whole area as per screen size. To fit the background image to fit the screen size we could set the background-size property to contain.

How do I make a background image fit in a container?

You can use the following to make it fit: background-size:cover; Resize the background image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges background-size:contain; Resize the background image to make sure the image is fully visible So it does not repeat: background-repeat: no-repeat;

How to fit background image to whole screen?

Hi, How to fit background image to whole screen? Use a TextureRect node that spans the whole viewport. To make it span the whole viewport, select the TextureRect node, go to the top of the 2D editor, click Layout then select Full Rect. Change the TextureRect's scaling property depending on your needs.

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